[Interview starts at 36:56]
Sooner or later, if you fish a lot you WILL develop issues with your elbows or shoulders. And it's not just us old geezers who suffer from these--I often meet much younger anglers with the same problems. Anita Coulton is both a fishing guide for Crosscurrent Guide Service and a physical therapist, so she is intimately familiar with the issues we face, how to help prevent them, and how to fix them when they occur. If you have ever had these problems, or if you just want to know how to keep your upper body in shape for fishing I think you'll benefit from the podcast.
In the Fly Box this week, we have the following questions and tips:
How do I slim down my fly selection for small-stream fishing?
What is the best way to fish crayfish patterns?
A question about trout feeding times in relation to season and sunlight
I want to catch trout but have only been bass fishing. What fly line should I get?
Should I get a 6-weight or 7-weight rod for smallmouth bass?
I fish a really snaggy river. Should I tie all of my favorite nymphs on jig hooks?
Is a 9-foot or 10-foot rod better in the wind?
Should I get a Helios 3D or 3F or a Superfine glass rod for all-around fishing in Alberta? I want to get a 4-weight
What is the best all-around color for sunglass lenses?
A tip on retrieving lost flies with your magnetic net holder
When looking at a fly recipe, how do you know what order to tie in materials?
Why wouldn't my spin reel fit on my fly rod, and is it a good idea to put a spin reel on a fly rod?
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-- posted at: 10:15am EDT