Fri, 28 January 2011
It's cold out there... get the most out of it with these tips from Tom. One of you will be the MILLIONTH download of this podcast. Thank you so much for your loyalty. We're having a good time and we're glad you are, too. Leave comments on our blog at Leave us a voicemail at 802-362-8800 with a suggestion for the show or drop us a line at |
Fri, 21 January 2011
Tom goes into great detail in this podcast on sinking lines. This is advanced stuff, but plenty for everyone here. In the FLY BOX section, Tom touches on how to remove ice from the guides on your rod, casting around objects and gives a couple pointers on choosing a good fishing guide.
Direct download: Somehwere_in_the_Neighborhood_of_Six_tips_on_Sinking_Lines.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:46pm EST |
Thu, 13 January 2011
You folks have requested some more advanced topics and Tom comes through with a long, detailed podcast on fishing emergers. Go to to ask Tom questions about this episode and add anythign he may have forgotten!
Direct download: Black_Diamond_Episode-_Six_Tips_on_Emergers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm EST |
Tue, 4 January 2011
Casting that first thirty feet of line out can sometimes be tricky. Tom has some easy tips for the advanced and beginner angler alike, so you can false cast less and fish more. |