Thu, 30 April 2020
[Interview starts at 38:46] This week I have the pleasure of interviewing one of my very favorite non-fiction writers, Mark Kurlansky. Author of such award-winning books as Cod, Salt, Paper, 1968, and A Continent of Islands, Mark is a tireless journalist who digs into the very essence of anything he does. His new book, Salmon, is his first book that involves sport fishing as well as the natural and economic history of both Atlantic and Pacific salmon. (And he has a book on fly fishing coming out next April). In the Fly Box this week, we have the following tips and questions:
Direct download: Talking_salmon_and_other_fish_with_Mark_Kurlansky.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:18am EDT |
Sat, 25 April 2020
[Interview starts at 27:44] This week I have the pleasure of interviewing perhaps the nicest human being on the planet, Tim Linehan of Linehan Outfitters in Libby, Montana. I think you'll get a sense of what kind of person he is by listening in. We talk about how the recent pandemic has affected fishing guides and lodges, but on a more fun note, Tim describes his fishery in northern Montana--the only place in Montana where you can catch a true native rainbow trout (rainbows on famous rivers like the Madison, Bighorn, Missouri, and Gallatin were originally stocked). In the fly box this week, we have these tips and questions:
Direct download: Northern_Montana_Trout_Fishing_with_Tim_Linehan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:46pm EDT |
Fri, 10 April 2020
[Interview starts at 37:13] This week I interview Sam Sifton, former Cooking Editor, now Assistant Managing Editor of The New York Times, and an avid fly-rod striped bass angler. It's quite a rambling discussion, from striper fishing on Long Island to the current state of striper populations to the writing of Peter Matthiessen. Along the way, of course we get some fish cooking advice but only for bluefish. Learn why Sam and I don't eat striped bass (and it's more than just about catch-and-release for the sake of the population). In the Fly Box this week, we have the following questions:
Direct download: Fishing_for_Stripers_off_Long_Island_with_Sam_Sifton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39pm EDT |
Thu, 2 April 2020
[Interview starts at 38:00] This week I interview Mark Melnyk, host and producer of The New Fly Fisher TV show and the co-producer of The Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing Season 2. We tell some stories about what it's like filming a show and share some nasty tricks we played on cameramen over the past year. The Orvis show premieres this week on World Fishing Network, but shows will also premiere for the next 13 weeks every Sunday on The Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing You Tube Channel. Season 2 will also appear on PBS and on Amazon Prime later in the year, once we have all the shows completed. In the Fly Box this week, we have a couple good tips from listeners (actually adding information to topics previously discussed on podcasts) including more detail on polarized lenses and why tilting your head helps, and also some additional information on keeping your muscles and joints in shape when fishing. We also have these questions: