Wed, 30 January 2013
This week, in an addition to a long FLy Box section, I go a little off topic as I interview Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods and The Nature Principle, who introduced the term Nature Deficit Disorder to the world, and has perhaps done more than anyone else in modern times raise awareness of how important it is to get ourselves and our children outside more often. He’s one of my role models and it was a great honor to interview him for the podcast. And, of course, we do talk about getting kids and grandkids out fishing and give you some tips on how to do it. This is a podcast you may want to recommend to friends who don’t fish, as it’s one of the most important things people can do for their children.
Direct download: Listener_Questions_and_an_Interview_with_Richard_Louv.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:47am EDT |
Fri, 18 January 2013
He’s the Everready Bunny—at 85 years old, and a recently replaced hip, Leigh Perkins still fishes and hunts 300 days a year. Although he retired as CEO of the Orvis Company in 1992, he’s still chairman of the board and one of our best field testers. He’s always the first one up in the morning and the last one to go to bed, and he lives his life surrounded by a bunch of hunting dogs. I was recently in Florida hunting wild quail and ducks with Leigh and got a chance to get some wisdom from him for a podcast. You’ll note by his answers that he’s one of the most optimistic people you’ll ever meet.
Direct download: Tom_Interviews_Orvis_Chairman_Leigh_Perkins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:40am EDT |
Wed, 9 January 2013
This week I interview Jamie Rouse, two-time Orvis Endorsed Guide award winner for superior service (as rated by our customers, not by us). Jamie gives us a very full lesson on fishing for tailwater trout during the winter, particularly on his home stream, the Little Red River in Arkansas. Jamie targets huge brown trout on the fly all winter long-and usually catches them-so it's worth a listen to pick up some valuable tips. I know I learned a lot in this podcast and I'm ready to get out on the water, even if the line does freeze in my guides.
Direct download: Tailwaters_in_Winter-_An_Interview_with_Jamie_Rouse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EDT |