Wed, 28 December 2016
In this podcast Stefan Woodruff, Orvis-endorsed guide with Ellensburg Anglers in Washington State, reveals (some of) his secrets to catching steelhead, plus an overview of ths steelhead opportunities in his state. Trout anglers will also enjoy his tips on fishing the Yakima River, tips that should work anywhere. In The Fly Box we range from tying gel-spun backing to fly line, how to fish with a friend and really fish together, what to do if you get snagged on a small stream, hooking fish on fiberglass rods, identifying jumping fish, what materials to save for fly tying from hunting trips, how to avoid drag when fishing to fish in a slow pocket on the other side of fast current. I also decline to give marital advice to one listener.
Direct download: Top_Secret_Steelhead_Tips_with_Stefan_Woodruff_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55am EST |
Mon, 26 December 2016
This podcast is an interview with an old friend and fishing buddy, Mike Connor of Mike is a fishing guide whose livelihood has been threatened by the inaction and foot-dragging of politicians on the Lake Okeechobee/Everglades water issues, as Mike’s home waters are at the mouth of the St. Lucie River. We don’t like to talk politics in the podcast but unfortunately this issue, one of the biggest environmental issues in the United States, needs a political solution as the science has been completed, the funds have been approved by voters and Congress—but somehow not much has happened. Of course we also talk lots of fishing in this podcast, with a clarification on what the Tactical Fly and hook series is, why few flies are colored white, the five easiest but effective trout flies to tie, lots of discussion on head cements for fly tying, more on sight-fishing for trout, casting off to the side,—and other earth-shaking issues.
Direct download: Trouble_in_the_Everglades-_An_Interview_with_Mike_Connor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm EST |
Sat, 10 December 2016
This week I interview Chuck Hawkins, one of the most experienced Great Lakes steelhead guides, who also travels the world in search of trout and other species when he’s not guiding steelheaders. As usual when talking to such an experienced guide, I discovered many cool tips and tricks I had never thought of. I’m sure you’ll find this podcast educational, whether you fish for steelhead in the Great Lakes or on the West Coast—or even if you fish for non-migratory trout with nymphs and streamers. Lots of these techniques translate well. In the Fly Box, we answer questions on deeply-hooked trout, straightening tippets, casting on grass, sight-fishing for trout, avoiding crowds, bite tippets for pike and pickerel, fishing in the middle of the day, and other little tidbits.
Direct download: Advanced_Steelhead_Tips_with_Chuck_Hawkins__fixed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:34pm EST |
Thu, 1 December 2016
This week I have a delightful interview with the energetic Jen Ripple, publisher of Dun Magazine. She has some exciting news about her magazine that you’ll discover in the podcast. But the podcast is not about magazines, it’s about urban fly fishing, specifically Midwestern urban fly fishing. Jen is well versed on this subject, and I know you’ll enjoy some of her wild stories and you’ll learn a bunch about how to seek out these gems in the middle of heavy industry. Also in the Fly Box we discuss loops on fly lines, whether fly fishing is better than spin fishing, what to do with poorly tied flies from your earlier attempts, how to target big brook trout, how to avoid spooking trout, when it’s OK to reel your line-to-leader connection inside your guides, how to avoid foul-hooking fish—and lots of other tidbits. |
Fri, 18 November 2016
This week’s podcast is on Great Lakes steelhead fishing, in particular the tributaries to Lake Erie. Damon Newpher, longtime Orvis-endorsed guide, gives us some advanced tips on some of the techniques he uses, which should work on all Great Lakes tribs. You’ll be surprised at some of the techniques he uses, including a dry dropper rig, nymph rigs, and of course his secrets for swinging flies. Also in the fly box this week we tackle questions like tips for fishing nymphs deep in weedy waters, drift boat anchors, how to cast a large fly on a relatively light rod, migrating trout, fishing near redds, weed guards on flies, cigarette smoke and trout, and the dreaded mop fly.
Direct download: Advanced_Steelhead_Tips_with_Damon_Nepher.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:17am EST |
Mon, 10 October 2016
I’m just back from a wonderful trip to Cape Cod fishing for false albacore with my old friend Captain Tony Biski ( ) and have been wanting to do a podcast with Peter Jenkins from The Saltwater Edge in Newport, Rhode Island. Since he’s an albie expert, it seemed like the perfect week to talk about these wonderful fish. Peter and I don’t agree on all aspects of albie fishing—but that’s what makes fly fishing interesting and fun. In the Fly Box, we have questions about snorkel observations of trout streams, suggestions on how to tie on a fly in fading light, a mystery about losing a potential monster trout, when to lose the shot and indicator when nymph fishing, a bunch of questions about what fly rod to pick, and the strongest backing-to-fly-line connection. Plus a touching story from a listener in the UK.
Direct download: The_Truth_about_False_Albacore_with_Peter_Jenkins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EST |
Mon, 19 September 2016
I always enjoy doing podcasts with Dan Frasier. He’s always upbeat, often very funny, and is one of the most insightful carp anglers I know. He’s also the author of The Orvis Beginner’s Guide to Carp Flies , which I think is a misleading title because his book is THE authority on carp flies and is a favorite with many expert carp anglers. Dan talks about how potentially the best carp fishing of the year lies ahead of us, something I was not aware of. I always thought carp fishing was best in the heat of summer, but you’ll discover in this podcast that you have a lot more to look forward to—and Dan will tell you how and why. And of course we have an installment of the Fly Box, covering such esoteric topics as fishing with dogs, trout in Mexico, jumping trout, sinking lines for trout, and how to fish a difficult tail of a pool.
Direct download: Late_Summer_Carp_Techniques_with_Dan_Frasier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am EST |
Fri, 19 August 2016
Tom takes your questions in his first live show on Facebook! |
Sat, 13 August 2016
Where can I legally fish and where am I trespassing? What is considered navigable water? Who owns the water and the fish in it? These are all questions answered in this week’s podcast by Land Tawney, CEO of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, based in Missoula, Montana. What you’ll learn is that these answers vary with every state, and thus you must learn a new set of access laws every time you cross state lines. Also in the Fly Box this week we talk about how to fish a streamer, why dry/dry dropper rigs work, shelf life of fly-tying thread, underwater fish photos, tipping guides, the use of class tippets in salt water, whether you can put backing away wet, and other fun stuff.
Direct download: Where_can_I_legally_fish_and_where_am_I_trespassing_With_Land_Tawney.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:32pm EST |
Tue, 2 August 2016
In this week’s podcast, I tackle the subject of “Ten Hot Tips for August Trout Fishing”, and I think there will be things for both beginners and experts in there. In the Fly Box, we discuss such diverse topics as deer hair choice in fly tying, 7-piece rods, rubbing flies in the mud, imitation jungle cock, tippet ring setup, moving from Tenkara to conventional “Western” rods, spooked trout, jumping carp, and how to pick the right guide.
Direct download: Ten_Hot_Tips_for_August_Trout_Fishing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EST |
Mon, 27 June 2016
In response to requests for more advanced podcasts, this week I have an interview with Tom Brown, a master at technical trout fishing, long-time fishing manager in our Roanoke retail store, and now a member of our Outfitter Team (the great people who answer your technical fly fishing questions via phone, e-mail, or chat). Also in the fly box we cover whether a 3-weight is OK for an all-around Rocky Mountain rod, whether the absence of small fish in a pool indicates a big trout nearby, treble hooks for tube flies, switch rods from SUPs, the best sinking line for streams, terrestrials early in the season, and a bunch of other interesting questions.
Direct download: Advanced_Trout_Techniques_with_Tom_Brown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19am EST |
Tue, 7 June 2016
This week’s podcast feature smallmouth expert Paul Caldwell with his tips on finding and catching stream smallmouths on a fly rod. Paul is a specialist in the Outfitter area in our Roanoke customer service department, and handles technical questions for guides, dealers, and all anglers who have questions on tackle—or just plain fishing questions. As you’ll hear, we have a talented staff in Virginia with first-rate anglers manning our phone, e-mail, and chat lines. In the Fly Box this week, we talk about spooky brook trout, how much pressure a small stream can take, how to wash your waders, why stocked trout have banged-up fins and jaws, how to decide angling tactics based on habitat or trout species, ways to test your hook-setting abilities, and how to play a trout with a long leader. |
Wed, 1 June 2016
This week we have a loooong stillwater podcast, for those of you who have been requesting one. Because the British are so more sophisticated in stillwater fishing than most North Americans (with the exception of anglers in the US Northwest and southwestern Canada) I turned to an expert from across the pond, Steve Yeomans, an expert stillwater guide and angler. Steve goes into detail on how to find fish in lakes, gearing up, casting tricks, lines and leaders, retrieves, and of course flies. It’s chock full of solid information. Also in the fly box we discuss the best length for saltwater fly rods, trout fishing in rain and fog, landing trout that sulk in deep pools, landing trout on smaller hooks, parachute posts, and beads vs. cones on flies. There are also two great suggestions from listeners and I re-answer one question where I thought I heard the caller say “tube flies in salt water” when he actually said “two flies in salt water” |
Tue, 17 May 2016
This week I had the pleasure of talking to Daniel Galhardo of Tenkara USA, who did a basic Tenkara podcast last year when he was visiting us. We get into a little more detail on Tenkara, especially the use of sinking flies and all the ways you can manipulate them with this method. If you are curious about this method of fishing I think you’ll enjoy it. In The Fly Box this week, we had a wide range of topics, like how to hook snakehead on a fly, which sling bag to pick, how to fish streamers, a tip on curing UV resins, whether the flex or action of the rod affects your hooking ability, and which direction salmon face when they are returning to the ocean. |
Sun, 8 May 2016
In this podcast I tell a story about getting caught playing Hendrickson hooky by two owners of the Orvis Company. Plus various assorted Fly Box questions like keeping rainbows on the hook when they jump, how to remove flies from deep in a trout’s mouth, how Eastern and Western waters differ in early season, fly fishing alongside spin-fishing buddies—plus the main podcast, in which Paul Moinester of Keep ‘Em Wet and I talk about best practices for releasing fish. |
Mon, 18 April 2016
This week we visit with Captain Dave Pecci about early spring fishing in the Charlotte Harbor area of Florida. WE also talk once again about the current water quality issue in Florida. You may all be sick of hearing about it, but other than climate change the Everglades issue is one of the most serious immediate threats to both our freshwater and saltwater ecosystems. But don?t worry, we also talk about catching redfish, speckled trout, and snook. In The Fly Box this week we cover a broad range of topics, from the Eastern Green Drake hatch to small-stream steelhead tactics to the advantages of fiberglass rods.
Direct download: Early_Spring_Fishing_in_Florida_with_Cpt_Dave_Pecci.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:33am EST |
Fri, 8 April 2016
Tom sits down with Orvis' new fly guru, Jesse Haller to discuss (of course) flies as well as competitive fly fishing. / / In the Fly Box, Tom takes your questions ranging from scented flies to broken rods. |
Thu, 10 March 2016
This week I have an interview with Captain Jason Sullivan, who fishes out of Flamingo in south Florida and covers both the southern Everglades and Florida Bay. We talk a lot about tarpon, but also redfish, snook, sea trout, cobia, and even tripletail. On the second part of the interview we talk about the longstanding ecological problems in south Florida, caused by man-made diversion of fresh water from the Everglades and Florida Bay and the over-abundance of human-directed fresh water on places on both the Atlantic Coast and Gulf Coasts. It’s a hot topic these days because of the high water conditions in Lake Okeechobee that are creating even more flows of polluted fresh water than usual. The Everglades belong to all of us, and anyone who loves this vast wild place should be concerned about what is going on in Florida. So please don’t turn off the podcast after we get done talking about tarpon fishing.
In the Fly Box, we range from spring high water issues to tippet knots, line-to-leader connections, and magnetized fly hooks. And, of course, imitating freshwater clams for carp fishing. Would not be a proper podcast with a clam-eating carp question.
Direct download: Fishing_the_Everglades_with_Jason_Sullivan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST |
Sun, 21 February 2016
This week I interview Justin Lewis, fisheries scientist and native of Grand Bahama Island, who is the Bahamas Initiative Manager for Bonefish Tarpon Trust. You’ll learn some fascinating science, what the Bahamas is doing to protect their near-pristine habitat, and some tips on catching bonefish based on the science we’ve learned from BTT’s research. In the fly box, we talk about storing waders, head cement, swinging flies, coiling line, where to attach droppers, fishing PCB-contaminated waters, indicator types, wet knot strength in tippet, and how to keep dry flies floating upright. Plus we have a couple great tips submitted by listeners.
Direct download: Using_Science_to_Catch_More_Bonefish_with_Justin_Lewis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST |
Mon, 1 February 2016
This week the main part of the podcast is a long interview with Dave Klausmeyer, editor of Fly Tier Magazine. He talks about his Golden Rules of Fly Tying and then also gives his 10 Cannot-Do-Without natural and synthetic materials. If you keep count you will find that Klausmeyer is even worse at addition than I am. In The Fly Box, we ramble from fishing soft hackles to checking fly lines and backing for damage. There are also a couple questions about finding big rainbow trout feeding in still, shallow water. And we have a couple great lists of suggestions from listeners—one on ways to carry a second rod when wading; the other on “Suggestions for a novice from a kinda novice.” If I keep getting great responses like this from listeners I can let them take over the whole podcast!
Direct download: Golden_Rules_of_Fly-Tying_with_Dave_Klausmeyer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm EST |
Mon, 11 January 2016
By very popular demand, this week I have Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions as my guest and we ramble about—guess what?—fly tying. But not all tying, in fact I think we talk as much about winter trout tactics as we do winter fly patterns. But I know after this podcast I have a half dozen new flies I want to try in the coming season. Also, in a longer-than-usual Fly Box section this week (hopefully to make up for not having many podcasts in December) we talk about sharpening scissors, tying the Adams, hooking fish, 10 fly-fishing books I recommend, caddis nymphs, knots for tube flies, UK wild trout, carrying a second rod while wading, and lots more. |