Thu, 28 November 2019
This week I have another podcast with John McMillan, as I have to confess I love talking to John about fishy stuff. His knowledge and enthusiasm and passion are infectious and I think his interviews are always enlightening. This week we talk about The Colors of Trout—can we tell anything from the coloration of trout about their life history? Is there a good way to tell a hatchery form a wild fish? What does it mean when trout carry parr marks into adulthood? How quickly can trout change their coloration? And are the spot patterns on trout like fingerprints? Warning—we come up with more questions than answers and you may as well.
In the Fly Box this week, we have these questions and tips:
Direct download: Trout_Markings_and_their_Significance_with_John_McMillan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm EST |
Thu, 21 November 2019
There's no such thing as streamer season. That’s the rallying cry of Courtney Despos, director of education and guide for Trouts Fly Fishing in Denver. Courtney is a self-professed streamer fanatic and she fishes them all season long, even in the dead of winter when most people are dragging nymphs along the bottom. Courtney shares her tips on winter streamer fishing, showing us how you can be successful fishing these flies all year long—as well as her tips for keeping warm when winter fishing. In the Fly Box this week, we have the usual mashup of questions that range all over the place, including:
Direct download: Theres_No_Such_Thing_as_Streamer_Season_With_Courtney_Despos.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59pm EST |
Thu, 7 November 2019
This week I interview one of my fly-fishing heroes, Joe Humphreys. He’s been an innovative angler all his life (he was “Euro nymphing” before the Europeans) but even more impressive is his love of life and fly fishing, and his energy on the river in his ninth decade. Joe talks about hot to stay young on the river, how to fish nymphs at night, and about the inspirational new film about his life called Live The Stream: The Story of Joe Humphrey. It’s now available own and rent on the iTunes Store: or Go to to buy the film on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital Download and more platforms including: Prime Video, Google Play, Vimeo, and Youtube. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys the fly-fishing world and its history and traditions—and who wants to learn how to retain the enthusiasm of a 12-year old on the water.
Here are the important links:
Buy the film on LTS site: Buy/Rent on iTunes: Nomadic Studio:
In the Fly Box this week we have many interesting questions and suggestions:
Direct download: Joe_Humphreys_and_the_Fountain_of_Youth.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:13pm EST |