Mon, 10 October 2016
I’m just back from a wonderful trip to Cape Cod fishing for false albacore with my old friend Captain Tony Biski ( ) and have been wanting to do a podcast with Peter Jenkins from The Saltwater Edge in Newport, Rhode Island. Since he’s an albie expert, it seemed like the perfect week to talk about these wonderful fish. Peter and I don’t agree on all aspects of albie fishing—but that’s what makes fly fishing interesting and fun. In the Fly Box, we have questions about snorkel observations of trout streams, suggestions on how to tie on a fly in fading light, a mystery about losing a potential monster trout, when to lose the shot and indicator when nymph fishing, a bunch of questions about what fly rod to pick, and the strongest backing-to-fly-line connection. Plus a touching story from a listener in the UK.
Direct download: The_Truth_about_False_Albacore_with_Peter_Jenkins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EST |