Thu, 25 February 2010
We get a lot of requests for podcasts on topics that only take a few minutes and would not warrant a full episode. So Tom put together five unrelated, small tips into this on podcast. Have a suggestion for the podcast? drop us a line at or visit on us on Facebook at |
Fri, 12 February 2010
Wow... you guys really wanted this one! We had a whole lot o requests for a podcast on graphite vs bamboo. Tom goes into great detail on the benefits of each and gives us some good bamboo maintenance tips. Join us on Facebook at and leave us a comment or suggestion for a future podcast. You can also email us at or follow us on Twitter at
Direct download: Bamboo_Fly_Rods__vs_Graphite_Fly_Rods.mp3
Category:Fly Fishing -- posted at: 3:40pm EDT |
Thu, 4 February 2010
Fly fishers biggest fear: casting into the wind. In this episode fortunate enough to have Orvis CEO Perk Perkins join him for a lively back and forth on different ways to deal with windy days on teh water.
Direct download: Casting_into_the_Wind_with_Special_Guest_Orvis_CEO_Perk_Perkins.mp3
Category:Fly Fishing -- posted at: 8:57am EDT |