Thu, 23 June 2022
My guest this week is Timbre Pringle of Faceless Fly Fishing [46:26] and the topic is small stream fly fishing, particularly in the Rocky Mountains. Timbre has some great tips on fishing dries, dry dropper combos, and streamers in small streams, and the differences between the different species of trout in small streams. She also gives some great tips on avoiding encounters with bears, something that can be an issue when certain areas of the Rockies once you get away from the road. In the Fly Box this week, we have some seasonally appropriate questions and some good tips from listeners, including: Four good tips on storing tying materials from a listener When do you use a dubbing loop, and when do you use the standard noodle method instead? How do I avoid the numerous small steelhead parr on my local river? Why did I miss 20 fish in a row when fishing a dry fly during a caddis hatch? A listener takes issue with the advice of using heavier tippets to play fish quickly Do trout get full and not rise when there is an over-abundance of bugs? Why can I catch fish on dries and not on nymphs? A listener asks my thoughts on nymphs with a bobber vs. a dry dropper rig. A listener tore a small piece of the jaw off a trout because he forgot to pinch his barb. He wants to know if that hole in the trout’s jaw is a death sentence. How should I get set up to swing flies for smallmouth bass? How can I intercept a hatch? What features should I look for if I want to try to wait on the bank for a hatch to appear? Should I avoid putting flotant on the bodies of foam flies? |
Thu, 9 June 2022
My guest this week is Brian Grossenbacher [42:45], one of the finest fly-fishing still photographers in the world. You’ve seen his work on the cover of many magazines and in Orvis catalogs. (Brian and I recently collaborated on a book entitled, simply, Trout, with his images and my essays. ) Learn how Brian’s career changed from being a full-time fishing guide to a professional photographer and glean some tips on how to go pro yourself—or at least improve the quality of your own images. Along the way, Brian tells a couple stories that had me in tears of laughter as I was recording this. In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting questions and great tips from listeners, including: What impact does bug spray have on fish and the tackle we use? My Elk Hair Caddis dry flies land on their sides. How can I prevent this? Should I grease my leader when fishing with a dry-dropper rig in fast water? I want to try carp fishing. Should I put my money into a better reel or a better rod? A tip from a listener on how to keep materials out of the eye of a fly you just tied, and how to keep your hands warm in cold weather. A tip from a listener on how he greatly improved his casting with all rods when he went from a 4-weight rod to a 9-weight rod. What would you do if faced with three days of 25 mph winds and dirty water when on a saltwater trip? Does cold weather make fly rods brittle? I came up with a killer fly pattern that is unlike anything out there. Should I share the pattern on social media? I am having trouble with carp. What fly patterns do you recommend, and how can I tell when they take the fly? What tips do you have for making those quick deliveries when sight fishing in salt water? |
Thu, 2 June 2022
My guest this week is well, me. I recorded a podcast and the file got corrupted and I couldn’t get my guest back in time to do a makeover. So this week is just the Fly Box. In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting questions and tips, including: Do I absolutely need a full sinking line and a stripping basket to fish in the surf? Do you pinch the barbs on flies for all saltwater species? Will streamers and bucktails work throughout the summer? Can I go heavier than 6X on smaller flies to get fish in quicker and stress them less? Why do I catch many fish in a small stream and then see none on the next trip? Any advice on tips for setting the hook when using a long cast? Should I pursue traditional fly gear or just use Tenkara? Should I use a 6-weight for a light saltwater outfit? How can I get the hackle on my Parachute Adams to look better? When would someone replace a dry fly as an indicator with a standard indicator in small streams? What is the best way to attach 80 lb. shock tippet to a 20 lb. class tippet? What is the best material for shucks on emergers? What is the largest trout Tom ever caught? If you are switching back and forth between tippets and modifying your leader, does it matter that you are using the same butt section and midsection all the time? |