Thu, 26 May 2022
This week’s podcast is fun to listen to, even if you don’t need any tips on how to get a friend into fly fishing. Charlie Berens is a talented writer comedian with a midwestern flair (check out his You Tube videos) and Adam Greuel is a musician with the band “Horseshoes and Hand Grenades” and also has a number of solo albums. Adam recently introduced Charlie to fly fishing and their experiences are both valuable and funny [42:20]. As a bonus, we’ve included a song they did together at the end of the podcast. In The Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and tips from listeners, including: Sometimes I see trout from a bridge, other times I don’t. Is this unusual and why? What is the difference between a $100 fly rod and a $1000 fly rod? A suggestion on how to arrange your flies and droppers to lessen tangles A suggestion on how to instill better etiquette on our waters I keep losing fish once they are hooked. Do I need a better hook-setting strategy? A great suggestion from a listener on how to tie a weedless bass fly—and techniques for fishing it. If you find nothing is working for you on a trout stream, what do you do? What is the best way to fish plunge pools on small streams? What is the difference between a slow rejection to a fly and a splashy one, and what can I do when a trout rejects my fly? |
Fri, 20 May 2022
I get a lot of questions about how fly rods are designed and I think there are a number of misconceptions about where that new rod, like the Helios Blackout series, came from. Where did the idea come from? How is the design created? If you want a 9-foot, five-inch 5-weight rod, do you just add five inches to an existing rod design? I think you’ll be surprised at what goes into a new fly-rod design, and think you’ll enjoy peaking under the hood with a rod designer [41:04]. In the fly box this week, we have some great comments and questions, including: A great explanation of the spirituality of fly fishing When I move from one tailwater to another, my techniques don’t seem to work. What should I change? My small stream fished well last year. This year the water is colder and higher. What should I do? Is it OK to cut my fly line back if it’s cracked? What would you do if you see trout in shallow, clear water and they are not rising? Do you have any suggestions for detecting carp strikes in cloudy water? Is there a largemouth fly that is as weedless as a rubber worm? What flies do you recommend for bonnethead sharks? A cool suggestion for adding a dropper fly What organizations do you recommend if I care about climate change and the environment? |
Fri, 13 May 2022
You may wonder why I’ve done a podcast about beavers. You may be greatly surprised by the beneficial interactions between beavers and trout habitat—I know I was after talking to Ben Goldfarb author of the book Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter, [43:26]. Beavers have a much more positive effect on trout streams besides just making deep pools, and they don’t present any problems to migrating fish. And, yes, we do talk about how to fish a beaver pond, and how to find a good one. I think all fly fishers and nature enthusiasts will learn something new in this podcast. In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting comments, questions, and tips, including: The state stocks big rainbows in my wild brook trout stream. What are your thoughts on this issue? I saw large trout jumping out of the water during a caddis hatch and could not catch any. What do you think they were doing? What are the advantages of a double-taper over a weight-forward fly line? A great story about how an injury caused a fly fisher to re-think priorities What size leader butt should I put on my saltwater lines? And should I use the permanent loop in my fly line for big fish like tarpon? How have Vermont trout streams fared after hurricane Irene? If I pinch the barbs on my flies with forceps, am I legal in places that specify “barbless hooks only”? A comment from a listener on how a generic description like “fly fisher” is also inclusive of people who identify as non-binary A comment from a listener who believes that encouraging women to fly fish will cause our rivers to become too crowded. A story from a listener who cautions us to be careful about sinkholes along the banks of trout streams. A great tip for practicing your cast before a big trip. What can I do to keep my large dry flies from twisting my leader? |
Thu, 5 May 2022
I’ve been asked to touch more on the spirituality of fly fishing in my podcasts, and honestly I’m not very good at that. So I asked a thoughtful friend and author, Dylan Tomine [32:54], to touch on these aspects of fly fishing. I don’t think we got very spiritual, but we do ramble on about the other aspects of fly fishing we enjoy besides catching fish, casting, and tying flies. It’s mostly about the people. In the Fly Box this week, I had some great questions, including: I am going backpacking and want to travel light but fish some streamers in the middle of the day. What should I take for lines? Will my 6-weight Helios rod be too heavy for fishing Slough Creek in Yellowstone Park? How do you decide when to give up when fishing a small stream? For fishing the banks of small ponds, will my 6-weight Pro line be OK or should I try a Bank Shot line for roll casting? Can I use straight level fluorocarbon for a leader for lake trout and small mouth bass? My polarized sunglasses don’t work well for spotting trout. Are all polarized sunglasses equal in terms of seeing fish? What line should I use on my 9-foot, 8-weight Encounter rod when fishing 10 to 15 feet of water? What do you do when switching from nymph fishing to fishing a hatch? What about furled leaders? I keep losing large rainbow trout when they jump. I am indicator nymphing. Am I doing something wrong?
Direct download: The_other_pleasures_of_fly_fishing_with_Dylan_Tomine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:09pm EDT |