Fri, 26 March 2021
My guest this week is Cheech from Fly Fish Food [@36:00], a highly regarded tier and teacher whose videos are popular with serious fly tiers. He's an engaging character who knows fly materials inside and out. We talk fly material substitutions, particularly hook styles, and ramble on all sorts of things related to fly tying. I hope you find it as fun to listen to as I did to record it. In the Fly Box this week we have these questions and comments:
Direct download: Fly_Material_Subsititutions_with_Cheech_Pierce_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:26am EST |
Thu, 18 March 2021
This week my guest is Havard Stubo [@40:23] of Jazz and Fly Fishing. If you have not enjoyed one of their videos, it's a group of jazz musicians who also love fly fishing and decided to make some videos of their exploits. We think their films are quite entertaining and I think you'll appreciate their dry humor as a welcome respite from what you typically see in fly fishing films. Havard talks about fly fishing in Scandanavia, the relationship between jazz music and fly fishing (and tying) and other offbeat topics. In the Fly Box this week, it seems like we have a spate of basic equipment questions, so unless you need some advice on rod, reel, and line selection you may want to skip right to the interview. Some of the questions include: |
Thu, 11 March 2021
Ever wanted to take a fishing trip to Montana (who doesn't)? For a first trip to the Rockies, generally I suggest people center in the greater Yellowstone area because of the vast amount of public land and great trout streams in that area, which includes portions of Wyoming and Idaho as well as Montana. This week I have enlisted a real expert on that area (not a tourist like me). Joe Moore [@48:55] is a longtime guide and owner of Big Sky Anglers located right in the middle of downtown West Yellowstone. Joe gives us some great tips on timing, tackle, and suggested rivers. Essential knowledge for your post-Covid road trip. Lots of great questions in the Fly Box this week, including:
Direct download: Planning_a_Big_Trip_to_Big_Sky_Country_with_Joe_Moore_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm EST |
Fri, 5 March 2021
This week my guest is Henry Cowen [@49:05], author of the new book Fly-Fishing for Freshwater Striped Bass, which is really a complete guide to chasing these great gamefish. They get huge, they often feed in shallow water, and are just about the perfect fish to chase with a fly rod. You'll learn their seasons, how to present your fly, and what tackle and flies you'll need to chase them. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions from listeners, including:
Direct download: Freshwater_Stripers_on_the_Fly_with_Henry_Cowen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:36am EST |