Fri, 28 October 2022
This week, my guest is Dave DiBenedetto, Editor-in-Chief of Garden & Gun Magazine, who is a lifelong fly fisher. If you read the magazine, you can see that they frequently publish fly-fishing stories, and also that they stress conservation. In their latest issue, they make public their Champions of Conservation Awards, which go to people who are making a difference at the grassroots level in all areas of conservation. Recipients range from Capt. Bennie Blanco in the Florida Everglades; to Savi Horne, who works to keep agriculture sustainable for Black farmers; to Dr. Jennifer Rehage, who has discovered shocking levels of pharmaceuticals in Florida's bonefish population—and seven other fascinating individuals who have made a difference. We also talk fishing, from marsh redfish to small-stream trout in the mountains of the South. In the Fly Box this week, we have these questions and more: What is your take on small river fishing from a kayak for smallmouth bass? What is the best way to travel with a fully assembled fly rod inside an SUV or Jeep? Can I fish a dry/dropper or indicator with my 10-foot, 3-weight Euro rod? What is the minimal number of fly rods one can own for the most diverse situations and number of species? And what rods should they be? Is there any way to have a smooth connection from line to leader with the convenience of a loop-to-loop connection? Do we need to be as careful when releasing bluegills and bass as we are with trout? Is there anything wrong with adding colored marks to the end of my fly line and Euro-nymphing with a short leader? Will trout that are eating tiny flies take a bigger dry at last light? Can I Euro nymph in small streams with a short rod? What is the minimum and maximum amount of gear you would take for an afternoon of fishing? The fish I get in my net quickly often struggle a lot. Should I play them longer? Is there an app to analyze your casting? Someone suggested using thinner-bodied Zebra Midges. Is that a good idea? |
Fri, 21 October 2022
I've long been fascinated by the way geology affects the character and richness of a trout stream, and I know other anglers are as well. My interview this week is with geology professor Dr. Nelson Ham [40:36], who has been studying the effects of both geology and historical land use practices on the character of our trout rivers. The discussion also goes into the value of ground water on how productive our rivers can be. I learned a lot in this interview and I know you will as well. In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting an unusual questions and comments, including: I have six Helios 3 rods and want to sell one. Which one should I sell? Do you think the affect of COVID on swelling the ranks of fly fishers will go down? I found an Orvis 1856 bamboo fly rod in the attic of my new house. Was it really built in 1856? A listener encourages me to keep making fun of various kinds of fly-fishing methods. In places I used to catch brook trout I am now only catching chubs. Do you think trout will re-inhabit these streams? A listener reminds me that organizations like Project Healing Waters promote the therapeutic value of fly fishing in young veterans. Do you think tube flies would be effective for golden dorado? If it's legal, how many flies do you think are too many on a single leader? When I fish a dry dropper, why do the smaller fish take my small Zebra Midge and the larger trout take a poke at my dry fly? What flies and gear are recommended for catching Atlantic mackerel on a fly? If I don't want to use head cement, is a double whip finish a good way to increase the durability of my flies? When I use a throat pump on trout, why do my samples sometimes come up empty? |
Thu, 13 October 2022
This week we take a trip Down Under to talk to guide Angus Reynolds [41:21] in Australia. Angus customarily guides trout anglers, but because of the recurring drought in Australia he has been pursuing alternate species and carp are one of his major targets. I thought we could learn some techniques to try on our North American carp, which are the same species, and Angus has some interesting tips on fishing a sunken dry fly for them. He also tells some great stories about catching Murray cod and eels on a fly rod! In the Fly Box this week, we have some interesting questions and comments, including: Can I use my 11-foot, 3-weight Helios Blackout rod for trout Spey? If so, what grain weight should I use? When should I use jig hooks and slotted beads as opposed to regular nymph hooks and beads? Do you have some tips for Eastern stillwater trout fishing? Is it much different than what they do in the West? Is there a reasonable do-it-yourself repair kit for fly rods I can take into the field with me? Does UV resin attract trout? And are UV materials really attractive to trout? A listener from the UK says the whole idea of public water in North American blows his mind. He asks if it is really true that we can fish any river we want? A listener takes me to task for insinuating that people who use Euro nymphing techniques are only after racking up numbers of fish. What is the difference between graphite and fiberglass rods for small streams, and which is better? If I see a beaver on one end of a pond and an otter on the other, which one should I stay away from when fishing? A listener shares his experience of brown trout favoring one fly on his nymph rig and rainbow trout the other fly. |
Thu, 6 October 2022
Originally Released Jul 09, 2021This week I am delighted to have biologist John McMillan back as my guest [46:00]. John gives us a detailed view on the affect of water temperature on a trout's metabolism, particularly at the upper end of their safe range. In this summer of low flows and high water temperatures nearly everywhere in North America, it's a critical topic. And as usual, John puts his critical eye on how we, as anglers, can mitigate these effects by changing our fishing behavior. John is never without optimism, and I think you'll enjoy his discussion and learn more about trout biology and how we can be more responsible anglers. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and tips from listeners:
Direct download: backcast_How_does_water_temperature_affect_trout_behavior.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST |