Wed, 27 May 2015
This week we’ll travel to the Low Country of South Carolina to interview Captain Tuck Scott, who is a master at finding redfish along the South Carolina coast. In addition, historic Beaufort sounds like an amazing place for a family vacation, so this one might be a trip to plan where fishing is only part of the plan. Tuck gives us plenty of intelligence on finding and catching redfish in the Low Country, and also some special redfish tips that will work anywhere. In the Fly Box this week we talk about missed fish on downstream wet flies, fish chasing streamers but not connecting, organizing fly-tying materials, the benefits of hiring a guide, and tips for fishing scuds on spring creeks.
Direct download: Finding_and_Catching_Redfish_with_Captain_Tuck_Scott.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:19am EDT |
Mon, 11 May 2015
Last week we were fortunate to have Daniel Galhardo, owner of Tenkara USA visit our office and he had a few minutes to stop by for a podcast interview. In this week’s discussion, he talks about what he has learned since his original podcast with us, especially about fly patterns and the rationale for using a single fly. He also talks about—gasp—fishing a huge streamer from Shawn Combs’ drift boat with his Tenkara rod. So much for being a purist.
Even if you are not interested in Tenkara fishing you will probably find something of interest in this week’s podcast. We tackle questions about rinsing gear after saltwater use, how much backing to put on a reel with a sinking line, the use of stinger hooks on saltwater flies, fishing lake-run browns and steelhead in the Great Lakes in estuaries, whether metal studs spook trout, and a great tip from a listener for cleaning your fly tying bench. |
Sun, 3 May 2015
In this week’s podcast, we were fortunate to have Bob Irvin, president and CEO of American Rivers, in town for a visit. Bob and I got to chat about their “10 Most Endangered Rivers” list for this year, and he goes into detail on the ones most important to fly anglers. If you care about moving water, this is a must-listen. Also, in the Fly Box this week, questions range from whether switch lines spook fish, whether to go back to the head of a pool after catching a big rainbow there, whether it is ethical to remove streamside brush in small streams, how to pick the right glass rod, and how to tell if your local river holds big fish.
Direct download: The_Ten_Most_Endangered_Rivers_of_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EDT |