Fri, 31 July 2020
This week, continuing with my small stream double features programs, I interview Todd Fuchigami of the Ellensburg Angler in Washington [@ 45:48], plus Mel Hayner of Driftless Fly Fishing Company in Minnesota [@1:24:51]. It's been fascinating for me to learn about the similarities, and the differences in small stream techniques throughout the country. Regardless of where you fish, you'll pick up great small stream tips from these two. In the Fly Box this week, we have the following questions and comments: What is your preferred wet-wading outfit, or do you even wade wet at all during the summer? If I need a longer dropper on my dry/dropper rig, should I add the extra length with another section of tippet added to the existing one or should I tie on a whole new dropper? A listener takes me to task and says I should "spend more time on crowded public waters to better answer the fly box questions" What is the best way to fish small streams when they get turbid from a summer rainstorm? A couple book recommendations from a listener on small streams and alpine lakes I normally take both my fly rod and a spinning rod with worms when trout fishing. What do you think of this method?
What really matters when I stare into my fly box? What attributes do you look for and how do you rank them?
Direct download: Washington_State_and_the_Driftless_Region_of_the_Midwest.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:54am EST |
Fri, 24 July 2020
[Rachel Therkildsen interview 36:25] I have been interviewing guides across the country on their techniques for small-stream trout fishing and I want to get these out sooner rather than later, at the peak of small stream trout season. So this week, we have a special double feature on small trout streams East and West. We have Rachel Therkildsen on fishing high altitude streams (and lakes) in Colorado, and then we move East to hear about small stream brook trout fishing in the Rangeley region of Maine with Brett Damm of Rangeley Region Fly Shop.
Direct download: Eastern_and_Western_Small_Streams_with_Rachel_Therkildsen_and_Brett_Damm.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:12am EST |
Fri, 17 July 2020
[Interview starts at 37:17] This week, our podcast is all about carp. It's a more advanced carp podcast with my buddy Dan Frasier, who is one of the most knowledgeable carp anglers I know. Carp are almost never easy and sometimes they are damn near impossible. But they are a fascinating challenge, and a good fish to chase when you aren't able to travel to more exotic places for big fish--something we all need to concentrate on. I'm going to be doing more podcasts about fishing close to home--a bunch of small stream tips from various parts of the country, and also on bass and panfish. Stay tuned in the coming months. In the Fly Box this week, we have these questions and suggestions form listeners:
Direct download: Advanced_Carp_Techniques_with_Dan_Frasier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Thu, 9 July 2020
[Interview starts at 41:18] We could all use a little escapism these days, so why not listen to a podcast about adventures in the Amazon? Fly Fisherman Magazine editor and publisher Ross Purnell, in a pre-Covid recorded interview, will thrill you with his adventures with a fly rod in the Amazon, and you will be shocked at how he celebrated the trip. Few of us will be traveling to exotic locations this year, and many of us never will, but it is always enlightening to hear about what fishing is like in a different world. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and suggestions:
Direct download: Amazon_Jungle_Fishing_with_Ross_Purnell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:34pm EST |