Mon, 30 September 2024
We keep hearing that fly fishing is good for your mental health. It gets you out in the natural world, involves problem solving, and keeps you active and moving throughout the day (unless you sit in a drift boat watching a bobber). But is it always good for your mind? Are there times when fly fishing can make your mood worse, and are there things you can do to make sure a day on the water is good for you? I discuss this, and play devil's advocate a bit, with Melissa Ceren [35:20], who is both a fly-fishing guide and a licensed therapist. We had a fun conversation and I hope you enjoy it. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions from listeners, including: -
If I break a section of a rod, why won't a section from a different rod fit it? Are the diameters different in different types of rods? -
Are there benefits to fishing nymphs without an indicator? -
When fishing, are you more likely to change the fly size up or down if the one you're using is not working? -
Am I missing some flexibility by not carrying two rods when wade fishing? -
What is the best way to fish for a trout that lives under a bridge? -
When I get a tangled mess I usually cut everything off and re-tie. Should I be carrying a safety pin to untangle my leader? -
I am having problems with drag when fishing straight upstream. Do you have any tips to help this? -
I keep foul-hooking small brook trout when using a dry dropper. Why does this happen and what can I do to avoid it? -
I accidentally dropped my fly box in the river. I don't see any rust on them, but should I throw all of them out? -
What is "attitude" when discussing the choice of dry flies? -
What is your current recommendation on the noise created by studded boots or metal wading staffs? -
I have gone on 8 saltwater fly-fishing trips and have been skunked on 6 of them. It's a combination of bad guides and bad weather. What can I do to avoid this? -
What is the best way of getting my fly off a branch if I don't want to wade in and spook the pool?
Direct download: 1_Melissa_Ceren_Mental_Health_1.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:01am EST
Mon, 23 September 2024
I have long enjoyed Robert Ketley's [31:06] column in California Fly Fisher magazine because he often delves deeply into aspects of fly fishing that we don't pay much attention to. And he's a tireless researcher. So when I noticed a deep dive he did on fly-fishing knots using a microscope I knew I had to get him on the podcast. You won't learn about which knot is best, but you will learn about why knots hold and why they break, how to tie a knot properly, and what happens when a knot gives way. In the Fly Box this week, we have some unusually good questions, including: -
Will the 10-foot 7-weight Helios D rod offer me enough tippet protection when using 5X for steelhead? -
My local wild trout stream has almost dried up this year. Where do the fish go, and how long until this stream can recover? -
When wading deep, when I pick up the line and cast I notice I make waves in the water. How can I eliminate this? -
When swinging wet flies in a tight stream I need to use a roll cast, but how do I make another roll cast after my flies complete their swing? -
I see fish on the bottom of a spring creek but I can't catch them using my tight line technique. What do you think I am doing wrong? -
I was scolded by an outfitter when I changed direction when fighting a big fish. He said it will wear a hole in their mouth and they will get off. Was I doing it wrong? -
Can I go from a 4X leader with a tippet ring to a 7X tippet? Will not having tapered sections in there be bad? -
I don't have much finger dexterity and have trouble saving my tippet scraps. Do you have any suggestions? -
A listener reminds us that in lakes in Maine that are listed as fly fishing only, it is illegal to troll a fly. -
When trolling a fly from my canoe, how can I get my fly deeper? -
Which be the best Helios rod for fishing the Henry's Fork?
Mon, 16 September 2024
Who owns the banks of a river? Who owns the bottom? Who owns the water that flows through a channel? And what defines whether a river is navigable or not? There are often no easy answer to theses questions, and much of it is determined on a state-by-state basis. Beau Beasley [35:27] has spent years looking at specific cases of access controversies, and some of you may not like what he says because he often comes down on the side of a landowner who prohibits access to a piece of river. But Beau looks at the facts and the law and approaches these issues in an objective manner. It's a fascinating discussion. In the Fly Box this week, we have some comments, a bunch of tips, and some tricky questions, including: -
Will I find steelhead in the same places I find resident rainbows? -
How much time do you spend swinging a run for steelhead before moving on? -
A listener makes a case for the positive cost/benefit ratio of fishing with a guide. -
How much can a fly rod bend before breaking? -
Do trout seem to have an affinity for one color of nymph over another? -
How long does a frightened fish stay spooked? And do hatchery fish differ from wild fish in this respect? -
If you use a barbless hook on a two nymph rig and attach the bottom fly to the bend, how do you alleviate the problem of losing the lower fly and tippet? -
Do you fish a streamer in the same way you would fish a spinning lure? -
How can I get smaller nymphs down into very deep, fast pockets in a river? -
What would I consider the best roll-casting rod Orvis makes? -
Do you have any tricks for hooking fish on a direct downstream presentation?
Direct download: 2Who_owns_the_river_With_Beau_Beasley.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:01am EST
Mon, 9 September 2024
Panfish are easy to find and catch in the spring and early summer. But later in the season, not so much. Panfish are still around, but we need to look for them in different places and use modified techniques. Bart Lombardo [33:40] is an expert on all things panfish, and he gives us his secrets for finding and catching these delightful fly-rod targets as we approach late summer and fall. In the Fly Box this week, we have a healthy assortment of tips and questions from listeners, including: -
A suggestion from a listener on a way to spot small dry flies if you have trouble seeing them on the water -
Do you ever fish under bridges? Is it worth it? -
When tying in palmered hackle, what is the point in tying hackles in tip-first? -
What is your philosophy for selecting a dry fly when using a dry/dropper rig? -
I recently caught some nice fish on the edges of strong whirlpools. Have I been missing something, and what suggestions do you have for fishing this kind of water? -
If trout aren't actively feeding in higher water temperatures, what difference does it make if we stop fishing at 68 degrees? -
I fish two different streams and the fly size recommendations for each one is different. Why such a discrepancy? -
What knots do you suggest for tying a 65-pound fluoro shock tippet to a 20-pound class tippet for pike? -
Do you think construction a half mile upstream of a spot has scared all the trout away? -
Is it OK to move the fly when you mend? Is it OK to mend when fishing a dry fly? -
Should you come in from the top of the eye or from the bottom when tying a knot to your fly? -
I am only catching smaller smallmouth bass in a spot. How can I find the bigger ones?
Mon, 2 September 2024
What are the pleasures and pitfalls of running a successful fishing lodge? What's it really like behind the scenes? And how did a couple kids from New Hampshire end up running one of the most successful fishing and hunting lodges in Montana? (Hint—it wasn't due to trust funds or investment banker money). This week I interview Tim and Joanne Linehan [39:39], two of the nicest people on the planet and legends in the fly-fishing industry. Their story is a heartwarming success story of a lifelong partnership in love and life. And in the Fly Box this week we have some great questions and helpful tips, including: -
Do you have any tips for fishing really muddy water or is it just not worth it? -
Does a fish's sense of smell work better in warm water or cold water? -
A great story about a listener breaking off a big rainbow and then coming back later in the day, catching the fish, and getting his fly back. -
Any tips on a fly rod for a 6-year-old kid? -
I have been nymph fishing with a fluorocarbon leader. Should I switch to a nylon leader when dry-fly fishing? -
Do you have any tips for setting the hook when fishing dry flies? -
Should I use side pressure when playing Atlantic salmon? -
Can I use Water Shed on my floating fly line? -
Any tips on catching smallmouth buffalo on a fly? -
My line and leader won't go straight at the end of the cast and end up curling in on the cast. Any tips as to why this is happening? -
I'm taking my first saltwater fly-fishing trip. Will the Battenkill Disc reel give me enough retrieve speed?
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