Fri, 4 March 2022
This week my guest is Land Tawney [25:52], CEO of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, and we discuss recent issues regarding public access on rivers in Colorado, Montana, and New Mexico. This is a timely topic, as public access advocates just won a big court victory in New Mexico (Phil please link to your blog post). I hope the podcast will get you up to speed on how stream access is handled by states, and I think you’ll see some positive news on all the great work Back Country Hunters and Anglers and other public access groups have been doing on our behalf. In the Fly Box this week, we have these questions and tips from listeners: A tip from a listener on another natural material to use as a trailing shuck. Is it wrong for me to ask a fly shop to let me test a fly line before I buy it? How do you choose between using head cement or UV cure epoxy? What do you think about using perfection loops to attach tippets instead of using a tippet ring? What does Tom research before fishing new water? A tip from a listener about another way to organize fly-tying materials. A request for a podcast on tying classic salmon flies. A listener expresses his disappointment in my not mentioning organizations like Casting for Recovery or Project Healing Waters in a discussion on the spiritual nature of fly fishing. |