Sun, 5 March 2017
Hi- This is Jamie Hathaway. I produce both the Orvis fishing and hunting podcasts. I thought you might like to hear Reid Bryant's interview with Tom over on the Orvis Hunting and Shooting Podcast. Subscribe to the Orvis Hunting and Shooting Podcast on iTunes or at! Reid Bryant shares the booth with Orvis legend and avid hunter Tom Rosenbauer. Best known for his fly-fishing books, fly patterns, and host role with the Orvis Fly-fishing Podcast, Tom is a wealth of knowledge about Orvis and the sporting resources of southern Vermont. Reid and Tom discuss, dogs, ducks, and the symbiotic nature of being a fly angler as well as a bird hunter.
Direct download: Reid_Interviews_Tom_Rosenbauer_about_Bird_Hunting_and_Fly_Fishing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EDT |